2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Event Registration Cost(s):
Non-member - $20.00
Event Details:
PLEASE REGISTER BY EMAILING CRAIG MURRAY AT cmurray@audgen.michigan.gov AS THERE CAN ONLY BE 30 REGISTERED ATTENDEES THROUGH AGA GREATER LANSING. Reservations are a first-come, first-serve basis determined by email date/time.
Melinda DeCourt, CGFM, CPA, Principal, Sikich
Jennifer Paperman, Quality Assurance Manager, NY Office of State Comptroller State
Mark Reger, CPA, retired Deputy Controller, U.S. Office of Management and Budget
Dave Cotton, CGFM, CPA, CFE, Chairman Emeritus, Cotton – A Sikich Company
Through the perspectives of current and former members of AGA’s Professional Ethics Board (PEB), attendees will better understand:
1. The current ethical environment and why it is important public trust be restored.
2. The rationale and expectations of AGA’s Code of Ethics and how to navigate the Ethics webpage and benefit from the materials available.
3. Actions we must all take to support strong ethics to restore trust.
4. Emerging ethical issues, such as the use and control of Artificial Intelligence.
Key Takeaways:
We hear a lot about professional ethics being at the foundation of the accountability profession. In the words of former Supreme Court Justice Potter Steward, which are embedded in AGA’s Code of Ethics, “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.” But given the fast pace and demands of our daily lives, how often do we really think about what being ethical means? Is it something we simply try to comply with to check an imaginary box, or is it integral to how we live our personal and professional lives? Has the ethical bar in government and throughout society been lowered so much that the public trust may never be recovered? And what can we do as accountability professionals to help rebuild trust by all Americans?
We hope you find this both interesting and fulfilling.
CEC Coordinator:
Craig Murray
Please Note:
The Registration Cutoff Date for this event is Tuesday, November 12, 2024.